Birthday Girl - Birthday Girl

Alternative - indie Rock

Birthday Girl - Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl From Washington, D.C.

Singer/Songwriter: Mabel Canty
Bassist: Isabella Mackaye
Drummer: Tess Kontarinis

That sounds like a very intriguing blend of styles! It's fascinating to see how bands draw from different influences to create unique sounds.

If Birthday Girl follows the indie rock style of Bettie Serveert or Veruca Salt, they might have a strong emphasis on songcraft, with a balance between melody and raw, energetic rock dynamics. They may use traditional rock instrumentation -- guitars, bass, drums -- and possibly experiment with other instruments or production techniques to broaden their sonic palette.

They could have songs that cover a range of emotions and experiences, from quiet introspection to loud, passionate expressions of feeling. The vocals might have a strong personality and convey a lot of emotion, fitting the personal, often confessional nature of singer-songwriter traditions.

However, without specific information on Birthday Girl, this is mostly speculation based on their apparent influences. For a more accurate understanding, I would recommend listening to their music if you have the opportunity. Exploring their discography, watching live performances, and reading interviews could give you deeper insight into their musical style, their influences, and how they see themselves as a band.