FACS – Still Life in Decay

Complex and high-tension punk-punk

FACS – Still Life in Decay

Listening to FACS is a gratifying experience that offers comfort and satisfaction, much like a Sunday roast. The band, consisting of guitarist Brian Case, bassist Alianna Kalaba, and drummer Noah Leger, masterfully combines their individual talents to create a sum greater than its parts, resulting in an undulating, gloomy sonic landscape.

The music on their latest offering is dense yet not overly heavy, achieving a balance between the minimalist foundation laid down by Kalaba and Leger, and the contrasting guitar work by Case. The six tracks on the album each stand out in their own way, showcasing the band's versatility and ability to create gripping soundscapes.

Opening with the ominous 'Constellation,' the album quickly establishes its dark tone before seamlessly transitioning to the standout track 'When You Say.' With its rhythmic flow and thick bassline, this song showcases the synergy between the band members. The album continues to explore different styles, with 'Slogan' embracing a math-rock influence, 'Class Spectre' offering a darker, industrial energy, and the contemplative 'Still Life' providing a more meditative atmosphere.

Though the styles on the album may seem closely related, FACS manages to incorporate enough variation to maintain a compelling balance throughout. Focusing more on the rumble than the thunder crack, the music is deceptively agile, continuously evolving and contorting. The true artistry of FACS lies in their ability to expertly control the tension within their music, knowing exactly when to let it bristle, boom, and bleed out.

In summary, FACS delivers a satisfying and dynamic listening experience with their latest album, "Still Life In Decay." The band's unique combination of individual strengths and exploration of various styles creates a cohesive and intriguing sound that keeps listeners engaged from start to finish.