Night Hikes - Keeper of Reality

Shoegaze, Dream Pop Indie

Night Hikes -  Keeper of Reality

The creation of "Keeper" is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the duo amid a rapidly changing societal narrative. It's clear that they've been inspired by the chaotic energy of the times, leading to the development of a sound they've termed "stargaze" – a dreamy take on traditional shoegaze, yet with a distinctly outward and upward gaze.

Their work with Erik Blood, known for his work with Shabazz Palaces and his role in the Black Constellation collective, brought a much-needed grounding element to their sound. Blood’s distant yet insightful input seems to have been crucial, serving as a guiding light for the band as they navigated the tumultuous waters of their creative process.

This process appears to have been one of intense experimentation and immersion. Using Marshall and Vox amps, they sought to capture as much sonic chaos as possible, while monitoring their output in a way that almost physically connected them to the music. This unorthodox approach speaks volumes about their commitment to their craft, their willingness to push boundaries, and their desire to produce an authentic sound.

What's also interesting is how Blood's contribution influenced the dynamics between Godby and Farrell. By encouraging them to sing in unison, he helped them blend their individual creative energies into a unified vision that is palpable in the resulting album.

Finally, "Keeper" emerged as a shimmering example of shoegaze, but with a twist – an album rich in lyrical clarity that conveys the duo's distinct narrative. It seems to embody a band that, in the face of societal chaos, chose to gaze at the stars, not in escapism, but in search of inspiration and a way forward. This record not only reveals their musical evolution but also highlights their story and journey, making it a truly compelling listen.