Troller – Drain

Electronic - Synthpop

Troller – Drain

Austin, Texas trio Troller's upcoming record, Drain, released via Relapse Records, promises a unique blend of gorgeous dream-pop and unsettling undercurrents. On the surface, the album appears to be a tranquil collection of soothing melodies, but upon closer listening, one cannot help but notice the dark, eerie undertones encapsulated in tracks like "Rat Nest" and "Into Dust."

The album's cover art – a many-limbed figure – serves as an apt visual metaphor for the complex and multifaceted music within Drain. Opening track "Victim," with its oscillating synth patterns and Amber Star-Goers' entrancing vocals, seems to mimic other-worldly breathing, creating an atmosphere of eerie tranquility. "Lust in Us," the subsequent track, delivers a deliberately off-kilter beat, reinforcing the overarching feeling of disquiet.

However, the unsettling ambiance is not consistent throughout the album. Troller masterfully shifts between eeriness and beauty, using their musical prowess to create soothing and enchanting melodies. Amber Star-Goers, Adam Jones, and Justin Star-Goers expertly blend electronic elements with an organic feel, defying the stereotype of rigid and formulaic electronic music. Their usage of analogue equipment imbues the album with a unique warmth and living quality, creating music that breathes and pulsates.

Drain draws upon a multitude of influences, reminiscent of Bjork's idiosyncratic quirks, Non Serviam's chilling allure, Bauhaus' goth rock moodiness, and the layered complexity of My Bloody Valentine and Cocteau Twins – albeit darker. The title track, "Drain," seems to tip its hat to Massive Attack's "Angel" from their album Mezzanine, before steering into its own unique musical trajectory.

In spite of these references, Troller creates a distinctive sound that is unmistakably their own. They construct a hauntingly mesmerizing sonic landscape that could very well become the ambient background of a hipster coffee shop – provided the volume is low enough to prevent the uncanny melodies from making the patrons uneasy. Drain, with its blend of dream-pop beauty and unsettling undercurrents, is a testament to Troller's innovative approach to music, making it a captivating auditory journey into the realm of the otherworldly.