Doused - Doused / Sparkler (Split)

Shoegaze - Noise Pop

Doused -  Doused / Sparkler (Split)

Philadelphia-based Doused and San Diego's Sparkler have teamed up for a groundbreaking musical collaboration, each offering their distinct take on noise pop and shoegaze in their latest LP releases. With Doused's "Asleep (In A Dream)" and Sparkler's "Trip Hazard," listeners are in for a journey through dreamy soundscapes and vibrant melodies.

Doused's Dreamlike Creation from the East Coast

Doused's contribution to the LP, "Asleep (In A Dream)," is a hauntingly beautiful track that encapsulates the band's signature style. Written, recorded, and mixed by Doused themselves at Jamtown in Philadelphia, PA, the song is a testament to the band's creative vision and musical prowess. With layers of atmospheric guitars and introspective lyrics, "Asleep (In A Dream)" invites listeners to lose themselves in its ethereal world.

Sparkler's West Coast Energy

On the flip side, Sparkler brings a burst of energy with "Trip Hazard," a track that captures the vibrant spirit of San Diego, CA. Written and recorded by Sparkler and engineered and mixed by Amelia Sarkisian at Satellite, "Trip Hazard" is a dynamic blend of noise pop and shoegaze. With infectious melodies and pulsating rhythms, Sparkler's contribution is sure to get listeners moving and grooving.

Expert Touches in Production and Artistry

Both tracks benefit from the masterful touch of Mike Wolfe, whose mastering ensures a seamless listening experience from start to finish. Wolfe's expertise brings out the nuances of each song, enhancing the depth and clarity of the music.

Accompanying the sonic journey is the captivating artwork by Emma Hansson, which perfectly captures the essence of noise pop and shoegaze. Hansson's visuals provide a visual counterpart to the dreamy atmospheres crafted by Doused and Sparkler, drawing listeners further into the world of the LP.

A Fusion of Styles, United in Creativity

"Doused" and "Trip Hazard" represent a fusion of noise pop and shoegaze, showcasing the unique strengths of each band. Doused's track is introspective and atmospheric, while Sparkler's is energetic and engaging. Together, they create a cohesive listening experience that highlights the diversity and creativity of both bands.

Looking Forward

The release of these new LPs marks an exciting chapter for both Doused and Sparkler. As they continue to explore and push the boundaries of their respective genres, they are sure to captivate audiences with their innovative sound.

For fans of noise pop and shoegaze, these LPs are a must-listen. They offer a captivating journey through dreamy landscapes and infectious melodies, leaving listeners eager for more from these talented bands. With "Asleep (In A Dream)" and "Trip Hazard," Doused and Sparkler have once again proven themselves as forces to be reckoned with in the music world.

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