Sleaford Mods - “UK GRIM”

Sleaford Mods make in UK

Sleaford Mods - “UK GRIM”

It is exciting to hear that Sleaford Mods are making a comeback with their new album "UK GRIM", set to be released on March 10 on Rough Trade. The announcement of the album's release, along with the release of the first single "UK GRIM", has generated a lot of anticipation among fans of the duo.

The press release announcing the album describes it as "an urgent and wise look at life and the gritty reality of our era", which is consistent with Sleaford Mods' previous work. The duo is known for their punchy compositions and powerful lyrics that reflect on the socio-political issues of contemporary England.

With "UK GRIM", Sleaford Mods are expected to continue to address issues such as poverty, austerity, Brexit, and social inequality. Their music is often described as exhilarating, with its confrontational and raw style, and it will be interesting to see how the duo has evolved in their new album.

Overall, the announcement of Sleaford Mods' new album is exciting news for fans of the band, and it will be worth keeping an eye out for their upcoming work.