The New Pornographers - Continue as a Guest


The New Pornographers -  Continue as a Guest

The New Pornographers - Continue as a Guest : THE NEW ALBUM

The second track, "Wistful Indigo," slows things down a bit, allowing for more introspection in both the lyrics and the arrangement. The song features a gentle, swaying melody with delicate piano touches and a melancholic undercurrent. Newman's lyrics on this track delve into themes of nostalgia and longing, reflecting on past relationships and connections. Calder's harmonies add an ethereal quality to the song, enhancing the dreamy atmosphere.

"Parade of Fading Stars" follows, offering a blend of the New Pornographers' signature power pop energy and the more contemplative tone of this album. The track's driving rhythm, soaring harmonies, and shimmering guitars create an anthemic feel, while the lyrics touch on themes of the fleeting nature of fame and the passage of time. Bejar makes a welcome return on this track, contributing both as a vocalist and a songwriter, adding an extra layer of complexity to the song's structure.

The album continues to unfold, revealing moments of both introspection and infectious energy. Songs like "Mirror Maze" and "Blue Hour" showcase the band's ability to craft intricate, multi-layered arrangements that reward repeated listening, while tracks like "Electric Avenue Eclipse" and "Temporary Haven" offer the catchy, hook-driven power pop that longtime fans will find familiar and satisfying.

As the album draws to a close with the introspective ballad "Paper Airplanes," it becomes clear that Continue As a Guest represents a new chapter in the New Pornographers' career. While it may take a few listens for some of the subtler melodies and nuances to reveal themselves, the album ultimately proves to be a rewarding and satisfying addition to the band's catalog. It's a testament to their continued evolution as musicians and songwriters, and a reminder that sometimes, the most rewarding experiences come from allowing things to grow and develop over time.